See a version of this page with no CSS: Open it! Use the browser's Back button to return to this page. Note that this page is not intended to be beautiful -- it is intended to make some characteristics of CSS obvious to a beginner. In particular, you will want to learn the following:
An 'h1' heading should be used only for the most important heading in the document, which is usually the top heading.
Headings indicate a hierarchy in your document. The 'h' tags should never be used in place of boldface or font-size. The appearance of headings can be changed with CSS.
This image is in the same set of files as this document:
This image is outside this set of files, on another web server:
The difference in the two images' locations can be found in the 'src' attribute, inside the 'img' tag.
Links have something in common with images: you can write them to get a file from the same set of files as this document, or write them differently to get a file outside this set of files, on another web server. (Why does this paragraph look so different? First look at the 'p' tag in the HTML for this page. Then open the .css file and look for the class.)
This link opens a file from the same set of files as this document: a CSS-enhanced page. It uses what is called a relative URL.
This link opens a file from outside this set of files: The placekitten site. It uses what is called an absolute URL.
The difference can be found in the 'href' attribute, inside the 'a' tag.
After you have mastered the HTML tags and conventions on this page, you can start learning CSS.